This was a beautiful wedding for Heather and Mark. They are such a genuinely nice couple. We had a great time with the sessions before the wedding and wedding itself. Though weather did not cooperate for beach pictures we had fun getting what we could. Congratulations to the two of you! Hope you enjoy!
Sunday I had an opportunity to photograph Brooke and Ava. Brooke is the first one in this post. She was a lot of fun with her beautiful smile! She did great. Ava is the second girl in the pictures. I had so much fun with her, you never knew what she was going to say. The entire time she was telling me she was in a rain forest. It was so cute and so is she! We had a great time and I hope you enjoy the photographs!
This is Tanner! We tried to do a shoot about a month ago and he was just not in to it at all! I think the second try went a lot better and his smiles explain how he felt about it also. I hope you enjoy!